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Great people are the heartbeat and core of any great community, and Plano is full of great people. In order to remain a vibrant city, we must continually work to keep our citizens engaged and invested in our community. Let's do this by:

  • Building a strong sense of community by bringing people together through the increased use of technology and innovative approaches to enhancing our citizen's quality of life. We should evaluate new opportunities to bring people together right where they live, work and already spend time. This might look like mobile library services at local coffee shops, fitness classes in a neighborhood park, and additional outdoor fitness equipment placed along trails and in neighborhood parks.

  • Providing a business-friendly environment that ensures that both small and large businesses can achieve their strategic goals without being hindered by unnecessary regulations. Reviewing city ordinances will help strike a healthy balance between maintaining the high standards our city is well-known for as well as meeting the needs of our business community. With some of the economic hardships many of our businesses, especially our small businesses, have faced recently, it's important that the ordinances we put in place help promote businesses ability to recover quickly and succeed long-term.


  • Retaining and creating job opportunities so our citizens can live and work in Plano.

  • Encouraging more community involvement and volunteering in existing programs like Love Where You Live and looking for new opportunities to partner with local organizations to help meet the needs of our citizens, especially seniors in our community who may need regular assistance with home maintenance.

  • Through the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to conduct more meetings with online technology that increased the accessibility to our government to many who may not have had the ability to make it to a meeting in person. This allowed more citizens to provide feedback to the Council during our meetings on important issues that matter most them without having to be physically present at City Hall. I support continuing to provide opportunities that will allow an increase in number and diversity of viewpoints being able to be expressed at Council meetings and commission meetings.

Kayci at Leadership Plano

© 2016 Kayci Prince Political Advertising paid for by Kayci Prince Campaign. Sharon Ketko, Treasurer – 1805 Pleasant Valley, Plano, 75023

Photo Credit: Photo in firefighter gear used with permission by OtherRed Photography

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